Bethel Dental Clinic

When Is Root Canal Therapy Necessary? Signs You May Need Treatment

Oct 10, 2023 @ 01:36 AM — by Charles Antwi
Tagged with: When Is Root Canal Therapy Is Necessary

A root canal infection causes inflammation of the nerves and tissues in the tooth’s pulp and root canals. Root canal infections compromise oral health and functions and increase the risk of dental complications, including tooth loss. A root canal infection can be eliminated with prompt treatment to prevent more extensive damage.

Root canal therapy is a safe and effective treatment for a root canal infection, but patients may neglect dental care because they are unaware an infection is present. Dentists at the Bethel Dental Clinic in Accra, Ghana, help patients recognize when root canal therapy is necessary and common signs that it’s time to seek professional treatment.

Recognizing a Root Canal Infection 

The longer a root canal infection goes untreated, the more damage it causes. Root canal therapy cleans a tooth to eliminate infection and restores a protective layer to preserve the tooth’s root system and prevent tooth loss. Early intervention is vital to treatment success, so our Accra patients should recognize root canal symptoms so they know when to seek dental care.

Tooth Pain

Dental pain is one of the most common symptoms of a root canal infection. A toothache may be a sign of a root canal infection if the pain is severe–if the pain seems to radiate out from the center of the tooth, and if the discomfort comes and goes over an extended period of time. Pain from a root canal infection can develop at any time, but it is especially common when a person bites down or chews.

Sensitivity to Extreme Temperature

Just as an occasional toothache is not uncommon, neither is tooth sensitivity. It is normal for a person to sometimes notice a slight twinge of discomfort when consuming foods or beverages with extreme temperatures, like coffee, tea, popsicles, or ice cream. If tooth sensitivity is persistent and causes prolonged discomfort, it may be a sign that a root canal infection is present.

Tooth Discoloration

When an infection develops in the tooth’s pulp or root canals, the tooth can become discolored. This type of discoloration differs from that associated with aging or consuming highly staining foods or beverages. A root canal infection may cause a tooth to suddenly darken or turn gray or black, a sign that oral tissues are dying.

Gum Inflammation

A root canal infection affects the inner tooth, but its effects can spread to surrounding oral tissues. Swelling or sensitivity in the gum tissues may indicate that a nearby tooth is infected, especially if dental pain and other symptoms are also present.

Gum Abscesses 

A buildup of bacteria causes root canal infection. Bacteria and dying pulp tissues can create pockets of pus around a tooth’s root. Pockets of pus can also develop on surrounding gum tissues. The abscesses may appear raised and red like a small pimple. Abscesses can ooze liquid and make the breath smell foul or unpleasant. Our Accra patients should report any abscesses to our dental team as soon as possible.

Contact Bethel Dental Clinic

The dental team at the Bethel Dental Clinic is proud to provide root canal therapy using advanced technologies. If you suspect that you require root canal treatment, we invite you to contact our dental practice and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.